Farmington Elementary is a top-performing public school located in the heart of Germantown, Tennessee. We serve approximately 585 students in preschool through fifth grade. Farmington has become synonymous with excellence. FES continues to be recognized by the Tennessee Department of Education as a Reward School for being in the top 5% of Tennessee schools in student academic achievement and growth.
Farmington is a family that is committed to cultivating a multi-faceted learning environment that encourages each student to reach their full potential. We are a Reward School because of our deep commitment to building a legacy of genuine relationships between students, parents, teachers and administrators, which maintains a trusting culture within our school. We believe that when strong relationships are established, teachers and students are empowered to set goals, monitor progress, and take responsibility for their own growth and development. Teachers are supported with the highest quality instructional materials and professional development. Students have the opportunity to discover talents as they pursue individual interests such as strings, drama, athletics, and art. The partnership with our parents is an essential component of our culture that ensures the best outcomes for all students. We Love you here at Farmington, is more than a motto; it’s our way of life.